For Texans who want the benefits of mental health therapy without leaving their homes, AssuraSource provides telehealth behavioral services. Through telehealth appointments, individual therapy sessions are available through AssuraSource’s Texas network of experienced licensed clinical social workers and licensed professional counselors. If you or someone you care about could benefit from behavioral health services through remote therapy, please contact AssuraSource by calling 972.233.1010 to learn about our accessible, affordable, convenient, therapeutic virtual therapy options.
Virtual Counseling Appointments on a Smartphone or Tablet
At AssuraSource, our therapists are available to help you overcome the issues in your life that are causing pain and preventing you from healing. We are committed to making telehealth behavioral services less stressful than scheduling and attending in-person therapy appointments. We specialize in treating individuals struggling with many mental health conditions. Whether mental health concerns are related to medical conditions, isolation, or the loss of a loved one, AssuraSource can help. We offer cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing to treat many conditions, including:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Bipolar disorders
- Personality disorders
Accessible Telehealth Behavioral Services
At AssuraSource, we believe that getting the care you need should be easy, convenient, and affordable. Our virtual mental healthcare and behavioral telehealth services offer support for your psychological troubles. In order to accommodate our clients, therapy appointments take place on your schedule. Despite the fact that you never need to leave your home, we create individualized treatment plans that are tailored to target each person’s goals. All of our specialty mental health programming is evidence-based and compassion-driven. Therapy sessions led by licensed professionals can help people feel heard and validated. AssuraSource therapists can make a huge difference in the lives of people across Texas.
Paying for Therapy
Most of us struggle with our psychological well-being at certain times in our lives. Having a good online therapist can really make an impact. AssuraSource accepts many Texas insurance plans to cover the cost of online therapy appointments. In addition to Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance, we provide flexible payment options for people who are paying out-of-pocket or have no insurance. Our virtual mental health treatment platform makes it easy for Texans aged 18 and older to attend therapy online.
Can an Online Therapist Help My Loved One?
If you have a loved one who is struggling with their mental health, helping them get access to counseling services can help them break down psychological barriers in order to heal. We have seen the healing power of the therapist-client relationships first-hand, and our therapists at AssuraSource are committed to helping people become the best, happiest versions of themselves. A few examples of indicators that a person might need therapy include:
- Struggling with depression
- Debilitating anxiety
- Coping with a medical diagnosis
- Processing and working through grief
- Loneliness related to social distancing
- Anger or lashing out
- Conflicts with loved ones
Telehealth Behavioral Services for a Family Member
Virtual mental health counseling services provide a safe environment to develop knowledge and skills for better decision making, healthier relationships with others, conflict resolution, and coping with loss. The licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) and licensed professional counselors (LPs) at AssuraSource are skilled at treating clients with a holistic and cathartic approach. Our therapists take the full spectrum of a client’s concerns, needs, health diagnoses, and behavioral goals into consideration during therapy.
New Connections, New Hope
We are excited to join you on your mental health journey. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to AssuraSource if you are interested in finding a therapist for yourself or a loved one. Our telehealth behavioral health services are available throughout Texas. You can reach us by calling 972.233.1010.